Thursday, October 17, 2013


One year ago, today, Michael had his VSD repair surgery!

I can't believe how fast that year has gone by. At the time, it seemed the day itself would never end. I remember feeling numb (thank you Xanax!), but as soon as the nurse took him from my arms to take him into surgery, I felt the immense weight of it. They were taking him and there was this huge risk he may not come back to me. I was terrified! But, his team was incredible and they not only did an amazing job, they also did it an hour faster than they predicted!
Since then, Michael has just continued to amaze us, growing, learning to crawl, sit up, eat puréed foods, signing the itsy bitsy spider, and he even says a few words!
Also, a year ago was the Buddy Walk, which we were unable to attend as we were recovering in hospital. So, this year's Buddy Walk is all the more exciting for me! Our team has raised twice as much money as our goal, and the day itself is going to be so much fun! I can't wait to see all of our Magic Babies and to meet so many new ones! I know, it may be shocking on some levels to see all the spectrums of DS, but, I think it will be encouraging, too. At least, I hope it will be!
Another first for Michael this year, is Halloween! Again, he was recovering last year, so he had to skip it. This year, he will be trick or treating in style as an adorable pumpkin! I can't wait!!!
October is DS awareness month. I think it's ironic that in this month, I have only posted this one time. But, school has been overwhelming and I just haven't had the time! School has been wonderful, though, and so has Dave! He really just stepped right into the morning stuff with ease. And, it's been great for him and the boys to spend so much more time together. I can see the boys' bond growing with their dad and it is a beautiful thing!
I belong to a DS group on Facebook for parents in CA. Sometimes I don't read the posts because they are too overwhelming. One mom just posted she wants to quit the group because she is so irritated by what people are saying on there. I can only imagine what she has been through that she would become so sensitive to other mom's rants on a support group site. Some of the parents on there have multiple diagnoses, multiple health issues, multiple special needs kids. I feel like I have it so easy. I am sure that, down the road, there will be bumps. I will have to advocate for Michael at school, in the medical world, etc...but, right now? He is just a baby. He is nearly 15 months old, doesn't walk, doesn't eat solid, chunky foods that involve chewing. But, there is so much he does do, I don't focus on that. To me, he is just Michael.
I know when other people look at him, they see DS. Do they see it first, or do they see the cute baby first? I don't know, but,I also don't care. I see Michael. I see his DS sometimes, doing certain things, but, mostly I just see him. His sweet personality, his iceberg melting smile, his contagious laugh, his accomplishments. He is special. Not just special needs. Just special.

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