Saturday, September 21, 2013


I can't believe it's been so long since my last post! Boy, have we been busy! It's nice to be busy, but it's starting to feel like there aren't enough hours in the day! I have discovered that I don't need as much sleep as I used to. I've been getting by on about 5 hours and a lot of coffee!
I have completed my first week of massage school! I was so worried about Michael and being gone for so long (5 hours), but he has been amazing! Not fussy or seeming overly upset. And he is so adorable when I come home! Just sooo happy to see mommy! Auggy has definitely been struggling with it. He gets really clingy in the morning, and he said he doesn't want to go to his school, he wants to come with me to mine. It makes me sad to see him missing me so much! But, I know once I'm gone, he has fun with daddy. I was surprised at how much homework there is for this school! I have been struggling to get it and all the reading done! Hence, the less sleep. Staying up late to get it done after the kids go to bed.
I was never a very good student in the past. I always got good grades because I could absorb the information easily, and never really developed good studying habits. I am determined to make a better effort this time around. I will do all the reading, no matter how boring the text! I will study my notes and restudy them! I must! There is so much to learn...our bodies are complicated!
Dave took Michael to his baby group last week, and will be doing it every week until I finish school. He didn't say much about it, but I think it'll be good to see how Michael is with other kids, and just to get to be more involved with his development.
Michael is just doing so amazing! He's really trying to communicate with us. He points at stuff and blurts out a babble, but it seems like he's really trying to SAY something about that thing! He also has been signing for "all done" when eating, too! And, he can point to my nose when asked! And he can do most of the motions to the itsy bitsy spider.
After he was born, I joined all these on line groups for DS. Babycenter group, 3 or 4 FB groups, plus the ones we go to in person. I find that I don't really like the on line ones so much. Maybe it's selfishsof me, but I don't like reading about all the problems everyone has with their magic babes. It's not that I don't care about these people and what they are going through...I just don't want to think about what could potentially happen with Michael. I like to take things day by day and enjoy him as he is, not worry about what could be. Does that make sense? I mean, it's great there is so much support out there for the families who have a lot of issues, and I hope for the best for them, but deep inside of me, I am hoping so strongly that we don't ever have to deal with those issues ourselves! I just want my Michael to be the sweet, happy, healthy boy he is, and that's it! But, then I think, what if problems pop up down the road and I don't deserve the support from these people because I'm not putting in my time now?
I also wonder about the therapists he has right now, as well as the ones he'll get after he turns 3. Are they good ones? Dave asked me the other day if I liked them and why. I thought about it, and I realized that I like them, but I also have nothing to compare them to. How do I know if they are doing the best for Michael? I've never had to compare therapists before. How do you know if yours is good or not? His PT seems pretty good, she works him hard and shows me things I can do to help him progress...and he IS progressing very well! His educator, though, I don't know...she's nice, but how can you tell if she's doing good or not? All they do is sing songs and play. What  else can you do as a baby? She signs to him, too, when singing and asking questions. So, that's good...?
Is it possible to observe other counties and see what their therapists do? If it turns out another county nearby has better services, should we move? Is that fair to Auggy when he is making friends here and is happy? What about schools for Michael? It's really hard to find stuff out about inclusion and what to expect down the road. We want the best opportunities for Michael. But also for Auggy, so should we move for the better of one child vs the other? Or do we try to find a middle ground for the both of them?
Obviously, we have a couple years before it matters, but, time flies, and if I wait too long, the time will be here, and we won't have planned for it! Once I finish school, we can live anywhere. But, I don't want to move! I finally have some friends of my own, and I love Monterey! Hopefully, we can just find everything we need here!
My mom was visiting last week. It's always fun to have people visit, especially when they can really see the changes in the boys since they don't see them every day! There was a picture of Michael laying around from January, and she asked who it was! He has changed so much since then, looks completely different! Not to mention he is so mobile and, just bigger. He has his own little personality! He is super funny and sweet, but not afraid to stand up for himself!  Here's a little video of his funny side, playing pass back with daddy and a pack of wipes:

1 comment:

  1. LOve reading these posts.
    as for therapists- you have to find one you like. Period. the ones with the best rapport with you and your family are the ones that will help the most. We have changes a couple times because of this reason with different therapists. It;s hard to quantify- you just know.
