Sunday, August 18, 2013


Now that Michael is over a year old, we begin the process of really opening him up to different foods. You would think I would be excited about it! After all, I was a chef in my previous pre-child life, shouldn't I be thrilled about developing my child's palate? The truth is, I am nervous. And a bit lazy. He is so picky about texture, still wanting a total purée, do I really want to go to the trouble to make something special, filled with animal protein and yummy broth, only to have him hate it? I have to snap out of it. I know. Forget about Auggy eating vegetables! Sometimes if I'm really sneaky, I can get him to eat a little.
I need to get us all on a better eating track, though! Michael and kids like him are so prone to obesity and diabetes, I want him, and us, to lead healthy lives! I would love to have a gluten free, sugar free household. There's lots of research to be done! I need to weed through all the fads and find the real nutritional info. I don't buy into the "organic" stuff so much anymore, but I do want to buy as much whole food as possible and make everything at home. I try to do that now, with the exception of bread and mayo, I pretty much do.
I remember when Auggy was born, we said we would never let him eat so many things! Reality set in and we've had to make some compromises. But, I have held fast to him not eating at places like Macdonalds, though. And everyone in the family knows they will be disowned if they take him, too!
Is it terrible that I compare myself to other moms? Like, when a mom that seems to have it all together, admits that she takes her kid to Macdonalds or let's them watch extra tv when she needs to get stuff done...I feel better about myself? I guess I feel guilty sometimes for some of the shortcuts I take. Am I just making excuses for myself when I let Auggy watch tv, or get pizza, or buy pre made enchilada sauce? Or am I just like every other mom, who sometimes just needs a break? If I'm being honest, I guess it's a little of both. But, seriously, how many games of Candyland or Superwhy can a mom play before she needs to do something "adult?" Or how many games of hide and seek?
Auggy started back to preschool last week, and Michael is back in his therapy sessions, too. We are super busy! But, I have a whole month of Aug in school before I start school myself, so I intend to enjoy these mornings I have to myself! Summer was fun and it flew by, but it is nice to be back on a busy schedule.
And Michael impressed everyone he hadn't seen for the last month with how much he's developed! He is cruising now, officially. I am confident he will be walking before Auggy turns 4, in 2 1/2 months! So proud of both my boys, but especially my little bug! He's rocking everyone's world!

Auggy's first day back at preschool

A future in computers?

Happy boy!  He's so excited to be standing!

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